
We're looking for Senior Software Engineers with experience in game development and/or emulation for consoles.

When available, other opportunities can be found below.

Gather your cover letter and resume then hit the Apply Now button!

Fancy computer for efficient work!

Emulation Engineer

Indispensables :

  • Passion for retro gaming and legacy hardware
  • Expert knowledge of C/C++
  • Fortes capacités de résolution de problèmes.
  • Enjoy performance and memory optimization, low-level constraints and programming tradeoffs.
  • Expérience du développement de logiciels multiplateformes pour les consoles de jeu et les ordinateurs de bureau.
  • Excellentes compétences en matière de communication en ligne - expert en Slack, présentation à distance, revues de code constructives.

Utiles :

  • Experience with game emulation or cross platform ports
  • Experience with reverse engineering
  • Have a good ability to read assembly code and write some.
  • Understanding of modern GPU rendering pipelines

Nos Valeurs

Découvrez notre vision, notre mission, nos valeurs et notre culture d'entreprise.

Qu'est-ce que Les Conversions Implicites ?
At Implicit Conversions, our devotion to the world of gaming extends beyond technology; it’s a commitment to preserving gaming history that has woven countless memories for players worldwide. Our team is bound together by a shared passion for the immersive and nostalgic experiences offered by video games. Recognizing the unique cultural significance of the PlayStation Portable (PSP) and the treasured games it brought to life, we embark on the journey of porting these classics to the modern realms of PS4 and PS5.

It is not just a technical venture for us; it’s a mission rooted in reverence for the stories, the characters, and the joy these games have imparted to gamers over the years. Implicit Conversions is determined to bridge the gap between the past and the present, ensuring that the magic of these titles continues to captivate new generations of players.

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Tout savoir sur nous !
Nos valeurs
Notre formidable équipe

S'agit-il d'un emploi à temps plein ou à temps partiel ?
It’s flexible. If you are in the US or Canada, we can hire you as employees. For everywhere else in the world, we’ll bring you as a self-employed or contractor.

Ok pour du 100% télétravail ?
Yes. We trust those we hire, otherwise why hire them? We have always been 100% à distance

What are the perks?

  • Jeux vidéo == fun
  • Travail à distance    
  • Le code vestimentaire est "ce dans quoi vous vous sentez à l'aise"
  • Horaires de travail flexibles - tant que vous faites le travail, nous sommes satisfaits !
  • Unlimited vacation (e.g. untracked)
  • Environnement convivial et accueillant pour les personnes neurodiverses
  • En tant que startup, nous sommes rapides et agiles. Vous avez une idée géniale ? Nous la mettons en œuvre !
  • Super-awesome team of individuals – seriously great people!